Saturday 11 May 2024

Five Leagues from the Borderlands: Some thoughts after 60+ campaign turns

 The Thrappled Lemmings have completed their quest successfully but I feel like this is not a firm and final conclusion to the campaign. I almost want to carry on trying to complete everything that has shown up on the campaign map. My choice to end the campaign with the final level of the Temple delve was made at the start of the campaign. It was an arbitrary point to end it in some ways, but it also fits the narrative of acquiring enough wealth to retire. It is in the nature of a sandbox campaign that there is always something more to do, just like life. This is the real strength of Five Leagues from the Borderlands.

I have really enjoyed getting the campaign to this point. There was no point during the campaign where I could not be bothered. The random events, constant addition of new unexplored areas to the map, generation of contracts and quests and all the other things that happened along the way have built a  fun narrative for me. They helped make my party real as I decided how they should respond and what they should focus on. Of course, if you don't like roll and write type games, then the amount of dice rolling in Five Leagues from the Borderlands may not be to your taste. I still maintain that it is a very well constructed rules set.

While the campaign went well, there were a couple of negative things. The main one was choosing a mystic as my avatar. He was not as actively involved in winning the battles as I would have liked. As my avatar, I wanted Lysanthir to be a hero, not a supporting character. Part of this was the spells he had, but the rules are not written for wizards who use pyrotechnics and lightning bolts. Nevertheless, with different spell choices, he could have been more active in the fight and exploration. For a future campaign, I shall probably take a warrior as my avatar instead and have a mystic in support, unless supplements come out that have more offensive mystics.

The other main negative thing was that, at times, it felt like the hostile forces were too easy to beat. In part this is because I fought each hostile in increasing order of difficulty, but the party seemed to level up faster than the difficulty increased. Where my party did suffer, it was most often because I made mistakes, and only rarely because of really bad dice rolls. My willingness to use story points freely will have contributed to this. I used them to enhance the narrative rather than mechanistically. In a future campaign I might use Story Points more mechanistically and/or introduce some of the difficulty increases that the rules suggest, but then I am constant in my inconsistency and the narrative needs of the campaign could easily trump the mechanics once more.

All in all, I consider buying this game to be good value for money. I have played a lot and had a lot of enjoyment from it. That goes beyond just playing the games but to the whole process of collecting and painting the figures, making the terrain from the earliest stages of printed 2D terrain to sorting out nicer 3D terrain, and writing the story of the Thrappled Lemmings. I don't really enjoy painting figures, but this campaign has kept me focused on fettling old figures and painting new ones, and that has been a positive process with positive outcomes.

So, where next?

Lysanthir is nicely set up as a Friend/Patron in the campaign world now. He has a quest on the books, a Strange Map and some Vital Information that can form the basis of a new campaign. Wido is in a position to be a new party leader or to be a resource to be called upon for a new party. I have figures for factions that did not appear in this campaign waiting to be painted. That means that I could carry on in the same area exploring the unexplored areas, delving the undelved delves and following the unfollowed quests. I could also buy the supplement The Ancient Land of Dust and send a new party off there on a quest for Lysanthir to find out about the Serpentine Arts. I just wish this was available as a physical book and not just as a pdf. I am really not a fan of pdf documents for my gaming.

The plan is to mull over the campaign ideas for a while and see what most takes my fancy. As usual, the set-up will be a mix of what the rules say and what I think best fits the narrative. The only thing I am sure of is that I shall mostly start from scratch regarding my party so that I can try different options and see how they develop. Now, while I am mulling things over and preparing, what should I play next?

Sunday 5 May 2024

Epilogue: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Giant Mound of Treasure (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

The Thrappled Lemmings knew the way back to Fikaby well and the trip passed uneventfully. Carin the Seamstress had a letter that needed delivering to Elsfjord Kloster, so the party took the opportunity to deliver the locket they had found at the same time. The weather was miserable on the way there and they roads muddy and deep. They were hugely grateful to arrive without having caught their death of a cold, although Wido did complain that he could feel some sniffles coming on.

After completing their errands in Elsfjord Kloster, the party travelled to Haitabu, where they met Asmundr the Mendicant and returned his treasured silver ring to him. There they sold the rest of their loot and dissolved the company of adventurers known as The Thrappled Lemmings. Each of them was wealthy enough in his own right to fund a new company of adventurers, but they were all ready to retire after the close run in the Temple. They said their farewells and departed. Only Lysanthir remained in Haitabu. The others had plans elsewhere. Each of them promised to stay in touch, but each also knew this was a lie.

The Thrappled Lemmings, scourge of taverns and evildoers everywhere

Lysanthir sat nursing a flagon of ale in the Ferret and Hose in Haitabu. It had been a couple of months since the Thrappled Lemmings had cleared the Temple of Elemental Evil. He was disgruntled because they might have missed something there, but was doing his best to be content in the knowledge that everyone had escaped alive, and the important thing was that he had recovered the magical tome that was his original goal. He had studied it intensively and was learning new spells and new magical lore. He had done what he set out to do, and he had become really quite wealthy along the way.

His wandering wizard's hat now hung on a peg by the door of an old tower that he was renovating just outside town. The treasures he had accumulated filled its vault and he was using them to acquire new books and new lore. He had a map that might point him in the direction of more valuable lore and treasure, but deciphering it would take a while. He had various documents that the Thrappled Lemmings had acquired along the way that could also offer opportunities for knowledge and more wealth. The only thing he was certain of was that he would not lead the party himself next time. He had wealth enough to pay others to do it for him.

He drained the last of his flagon of ale and thought about getting up and going home. As he did so, a full flagon thumped down in front him.

"For old times," declared Wido, for it was he who had put it there. He thumped his burly frame down on a stool at the table and raised his own flagon of ale in a toast to The Thrappled Lemmings.

"Did you know that job opportunities for a Slayer of Aberrations are limited? Seems like no one wants to let you take up a peaceful career like becoming a baker's apprentice. I tried. Always thought that crafting bespoke baked goods would be a good career path for me. Nope, it's all kill this monster, raid that hostile camp, and put your life on the line for us for little reward. At least with the Lemmings I knew the rewards would be good. Don't suppose you have room in your tower for a live-in baker?"

Lysanthir took a long draught of his drink and looked at Wido.

"You know, I just might. How do you fancy training a new company of adventurers by day and baking by night? Or vice versa. You can train them by night and bake by day if you prefer. I have a lead on some new sources of wealth and will need help."

Wido reached out his arm. Lysanthir grasped it. They were in agreement. Wido would aid Lysanthir in his research and quests and Lysanthir would ensure that Wido had time to bake. The Thrappled Lemmings had dissolved their company, but that did not mean that they would forever remain dissolved.

Saturday 4 May 2024

Turn 61: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Level 7 (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 The Thrappled Lemmings had spent the last week telling the villagers of Fikaby tales of their adventures, and now those tales had grown in the retellings. The Thrappled Lemmings were truly legends in their own lunchtime now and the villagers agreed, just as long as the Lemmings kept picking up the bar tab. This had affected their finances in a fairly large way, but they were not too worried. Their next trip into the Temple should leave them enough to retire comfortably on, but their reckoning, as well as being the final showdown with that cursed deranged cultist. To get there sooner, they paid for Wido to go to the healer, who was better than a quack, and had Wido fighting fit in very little time. After a trip to the market to sell more loot and to buy more supplies, the Lemmings were ready.

They trekked the well-worn path to the Temple and descended into the damp cold air of the lowest level of the Temple. Fulrad scouted ahead and reported that there looked like many more opportunities to strike it rich here.

Once more I rolled Undiscovered Depths and added three more exploration markers. Not sure what the odds on rolling that same result so often are, but I'll take it.

There was only one entrance to this level, so the Lemmings formed up and prepared to follow their scout. They were sure the cultist would be here, but did not know what else to expect. They figured they had pretty much annihilated the Synod of Reason by now, so whatever they found would be the remnants of that or the twisted summonings of the deranged cultist and any allies she might have found.

As I have now fought every foe on the cultist list, this level will mostly be occupied by foes from the dungeon denizens list. This is where it gets problematic, because I have painted up all of the options but only used half of them. How can I possibly choose between so many cool options. I let the dice decide and they chose The Eternal Guard, grim-faced warriors who swore an oath of eternal service to their lords. Even in death, they serve to guard their lord's tomb. Those oaths can be twisted, and the cultist most certainly seems to have done that.

"Right, stick together and watch each other's backs. We're going for that cultist as fast as we can and we'll deal with whatever else is here after that, if we can."

Sir Thiebault's face was grim as he gave out instructions. Despite himself he had learned to like this inept bunch of misfits and did not want to lose any of them just as they seemed to be reaching their goal of wealth beyond the dreams of avarice and also becoming and effective unit.

It was not long before Fulrad spotted and engaged the first group of cavern denizens. The Eternal Guard of some long dead lord still roamed these halls protecting them from whoever might wish to steal their lord's treasure. The Lemmings moved into action. Four of them engaged the undead and made fairly short work of them. They could hear in the distance the chanting of the deranged cultist and the atmosphere got damper with each rise in volume.

Onesipe and Drogo headed down a side passage to check it out and found their own undead to engage. Onesipe shot two of them before they could engage him, but the third cut him down quickly. A vaporous shade rose from Onesipe's body.

Drogo swung his axe hard and sliced the Shade in two. Then he turned his attention to the remaining Eternal Guard and cut it down too. As he checked a stash of treasure, he realised he had awoken more of the undead, so he raced away. Finding another stash of treasure, he managed to awake even more of the Eternal Guards. Loaded down, he raced back towards the others.

As Drogo was waking the dead, the others were fighting their way through a horde of undead while the deranged cultist's chanting grew ever louder. Suddenly there was a gushing noise and a cry of triumph.

"Face my water elemental, Thrappled Lemmings! You will drown on dry land!

This was followed by a shout of horror and a squelching, squishy scream.

"Wait! No! Attack them not me! Aaaaarrggh!"

The cultist had failed to control her summoning and the elemental had taken its revenge! The Lemmings arrived just in time to see the cultist suffer the same fate she had promised them. They attacked the elemental with a will. Wido was the first to engage it and fell to a lashing pseudopod, water dripping from his mouth and nose. Sir Thiebault raised Soul Render and attacked the elemental with renewed vigour. His blows fell fast and furious on it and he had soon wounded it in several places. While it was distracted by Sir Thiebault, Fulrad stepped in and administered the coup de grace. The elemental's structure disintegrated and water flowed everywhere.

With undead now approaching from all sides, the remaining Lemmings regrouped in the summoning chamber and prepared to face the oncoming threat. It was a hard fight and more undead were attracted by Lysanthir's spellcasting, but soon all had been laid to rest. It was time to search the caverns properly.

Drogo nearly fell into a poor of green slime, but dodged away just in time. Then they found a good hoard of treasure but disturbing it awoke more of the Eternal Guard. The Lemmings set to with a will. It was not enough. Exhausted from the fighting, Drogo slipped and was laid flat by a skeleton guard. A wispy shade arose from his body and Sir Thiebault dispatched it instantly.

As he did so, an Eternal Guard cut him down and a vaporous shade took his place too.

Fulrad and Lysanthir cut this shade down but the skeletons smashed Fulrad so he fell beside Sir Thiebault and Drogo.

Seeing himself alone against the monsters, Lysanthir activated the sorcery in his Thief's Boots. Suddenly the Eternal Guard and Shade could not detect him. He grabbed as much loot as possible and took to his heels, all the while thanking his lucky stars that he had obtained magical boots that would let him do this. Even with the others out of the picture, he had a great haul of treasure, and he was particularly pleased that he had found the mystic tome that was the object of his quest. With this tome, he would learn even more spells and magical lore that would make him one of the foremost mystics in the land.

As he studied the book by the camp fire, the other Lemmings drifted into camp. They gave Lysanthir sour looks for not aiding them. Apparently, with them lying motionless the Eternal Guard had lost interest and wandered off, so they were able to sneak out in ones and twos, but they would really have expected him to help them. Only Fulrad was actually wounded and that not seriously. Drogo's helmet had taken the brunt of the blow that felled him, while the others had merely been knocked senseless. Despite the sour looks towards Lysanthir, they did not hold a grudge after they reviewed the hoard of treasure that they had accumulated. Gold could mend a lot of rifts between members of The Thrappled Lemmings.

As they sat and pondered how lucky they had been, it began to rain and then a full thunder storm broke out. The bad weather lasted several days with the Lemmings not able to travel easily from their shelter. This gave Fulrad's wounds time to heal, so all the Lemmings were fighting fit by the time they were able to set off for Fikaby again.

So much carnage! I got to the end of the fight with the water elemental and was almost disappointed at how easy this level had been compared to my expectations. And then the guarded stashes started turning up and I had to fight as many undead again as I had originally placed in the delve at set-up. One of the worst things was that anyone they killed became a Shade, thus adding new monsters even as your party is cut down. I felt like anyone taken out of the fight in this way should be killed permanently beacause of the Shades appearing, but chose to roll for injuries in the end. The injuries rolls were phenomenally lucky. I had some herbs that would give me a reroll on the injuries table and used that on Fulrad. The others did not need it. This was just as well because I had no story points left to reroll their injuries.

I must also admit to taking a huge amount of delight in the deranged cultist being slain by her own summoning. That made me cackle when it happened! The rules call for the summoned creature to appear at a random entry point on the table, but in this and the previous three levels, I chose to have it appear in the summoning circle in front of the cultist for narrative reasons. It was just more aesthetically pleasing.

Friday 3 May 2024

Turn 60: The Thrappled Lemmings Hang Out (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 With nothing to do but wait for Wido to heal, the Lemmings hung around Fikaby like a bad smell. They could have done something more useful with their time, but really could not be bothered. Still, the locals enjoyed their stories and were happy to feed them, so things were not bad at all.

The fed Wido tonic and took him to the healer, which helped. Lysanthir spent time studying. He could feel himself becoming cleverer by the second and was roundly teased by the other Lemmings for his sudden use of even longer words than usual. He went off in a sulk to the market where he sold more of their loot and bought vital supplies.

After that, the Thrappled Lemmings retired to the pub to fortify their souls before they returned to the Temple.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Turns 58-59: The Thrappled Lemmings Regroup and Return to the Fray, Temple of Elemental Evil Level 6 (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 The wandering healer they had met before arrived in their camp as they rested up and ate yet more of their rations. Lysanthir and Sir Thiebault had no luck with their foraging or hunting either.

"We need to restock," announced Lysanthir.

The others agreed, so they headed back to Fikaby where they were able to return Tancred's book to him.

After resting up a bit, Wido started to complain about arthritis in his shoulder. He got really worried when Lysanthir announced that he might have a bad case of hypochondria and ate extra food to build himself up against that.

In the Flagon and Firkin, the Thrappled Lemmings regaled the locals with their tales of derring do. As long as the beer kept flowing, the locals sounded impressed. Meanwhile, Drogo worked on his axe work. He did not want any more close shaves like the last one.

Lysanthir took the group's loot off to the market to sell it and to buy new supplies. With his pack bulging with supplies and gold, he was very happy when he returned to the others and organised them for the return to the Temple. With their bellies full of good food and beer they were quite cheerful as they descended to the next level of the delve.

They were soon sweating. This level was unusually hot. With several routes into the new level and all of those narrow passages, the Thrappled Lemmings split up. They hoped to be able to meet back up as the passages joined up together again. Fulrad scouted ahead as usual.

I can't believe that I have rolled extra Exploration Markers on so many levels in a row.

"Looks like they stashed all the treasure in the lowest levels," Fulrad told the rest of the party, "I have a feeling that if we survive this, we are going to be rich! Surviving is the issue though. Looks like the place is heaving with Fey Nightfolk and that bloody cultist is back."

"Right, let's move out. Don't get caught in a narrow tunnel again," Sir Thiebault ordered the other Lemmings, "If it looks like that will happen, back up to the nearest open space behind you so the others can work with you. And, hey, let's be careful out there!"

They moved out as ordered. This might be a rough fight, but the rewards would be substantial ... if they survived.

"Nightfolk, Sir, fahsands of 'em."

Fulrad was the first to spot the enemy approaching down a narrow corridor. Having learnt his lesson, he stayed in the chamber he was in and called for Wido to back him up. Both drew their bows and began firing as the Nightfolk approached. Arrow after arrow was fired down the corridor and Nightfolk fell hard, but more were attracted to the fight. It was hot work and was getting hotter by the second. Drogo joined him as Onesipe and the others shouted the alarm. They had spotted more of the Nightfolk and were retreating rapidly to the others.

"I bet that bloody cultist is at it again," muttered Wido as he took aim and put an arrow through a Nightfolk lieutenant's face in spite of the fog swirling around that obscured his target.

Wido falls

Suddenly he was hit in the face himself by a knife thrown out of the fog in the corridor. He dropped where he stood. Fulrad killed the knife thrower in retaliation. They were nearly out of arrows and the Nightfolk were upon them. Suddenly the heat in the caverns increased tenfold. A shout of triumph was heard.

"Kill the Lemmings!" screamed the deranged cultist, "Kill them all!"

Hot in the delve tonight!

The hissing of elemental flame reached their ears as a fire elemental bore down through the passageways towards them. It came down to a hard hand-to-hand fight as Nightfolk and Reaver sought to reach the Lemmings, and the Lemmings sought to kill them all before the elemental reached them. Soon, the Nightfolk had all been slain or run away. Only the Reaver remained. There was a pause as the Reaver was driven back. Fulrad used this break to shot the Reaver through the chest. Hearing her ally slain, the deranged cultist fled.

"My elemental will destroy you, Lemmings! And I'll be back to reanimate your corpses!"

The Lemmings caught their breath and prepared for the elemental which squeezed easily through the passages despite its size. As it neared them, it blasted out a jet of flame. Drogo was engulfed and fell like a stunned ox. Fulrad just managed to duck out of the way in time.

Drogo is toasted

The Lemming's morale plummeted but they had little choice left but to fight on. By now they were all out of ammunition and their arrows just seemed to burn up as they passed through the elemental rather than harm it. The elemental bore down on them.

"Take that, you fiend!"

"Taste Soul Render," yelled Sir Thiebault and was true to his word. The elemental shrieked in agony as the magical sword cut tendrils of flame from it. It redoubled its attack but Sir Thiebault was a good match for it. He drove it back and back, and then with two quick blows he severed the essence that kept it in this world. The heat in the caverns died down. The Thrappled Lemmings checked their fallen comrades. Lysanthir broke some Silvertree Leaf under Drogo's nose and the smell brought him round. He had just been stunned by the heat. Wido was more seriously injured and would not be fit to fight for some time.

With their comrades settled, the rest of the party scoured the caverns for treasure. The haul comprised a very mixed bag of potions, herbs, weapons and other useful paraphernalia plus enough gold to keep them all comfortably for a while. Most of the gear would sell well too, so they were quite satisfied. They returned to the surface and settled in to rest before returning to Fikaby. They would need to give Wido time to recover because the lowest levels of the Temple would be challenging without him.

That was easier than I expected. I really feared the Poison ability of all the enemies but they never rolled any 6s, so it became a moot point. Moreover, the narrow corridors made it easier to stand back and shoot as they approached. Even then, it all came down to the hand-to-hand, but the Nightfolk did not feel as tough as the undead last time around. I suspect it is because they could be stunned, which gave me an advantage. That said, this scenario cost me all my remaining Story Points to keep the heroes alive, so the next one has the potential to be particularly brutal.

The elemental did not feel that challenging either. Its ranged attack did some real damage but it needs a higher combat bonus to beat the Lemmings now that all are 9th or 10th level and are starting to max out their combat bonuses. If it had got more hits in, it could have been deadly though. Here are the stats I used. Please let me know how it works for you if you use it:

Fire Elemental

  • Speed: 5"
  • Combat: +1
  • Damage: +2/+2
  • Armour: 4
  • Toughness: 6
  • MP: 3
  • RR: 2
  • Traits: Ethereal, Area Attack (12", Damage +1/+2)

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Turn 57: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Return of the Deranged Cultist, Temple of Elemental Evil Level 5 (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 "Ugh, this camping is not good for me," whined Wido. He had the sniffles again and was feeling very sorry for himself. That did not stop him tucking into his breakfast with gusto though.

Lysanthir managed to find a dose of Ironshield Root, which Wido promptly ate to offset his sniffles. Sir Thiebault's hunting expedition failed to find any game at all. All else sorted, the Thrappled Lemmings girded their loins, pulled up their socks and put their best foot forward in the direction of the next level of the Temple.

Fulrad led the way in and quickly announced that this level was, like the last one, likely to be replete with treasure.

Once more the scouting roll resulted in the placement of additional exploration markers. As long as they are not traps or hazards, this is a good thing.

As Fulrad pushed on, followed by the others, he quickly saw a group of gravewalkers just as they spotted him. One of their number was clearly less rotten than the rest and its eye sockets glowed with eldritch blue light. Fulrad fired his bow at the undead captain but it was deflected by its armour. The others moved up to join the fray. Wido found himself unable to get past the captain's defences, but Sir Thiebault quickly slew one of the lesser undead that accompanied the captain.

"Forward, lads. Keep your guard up and work together," yelled Lysanthir from behind the others. He then moved into position and cast Meekness on the captain.

"That should take the sting out of your blows," he gloated.

The spell had the right effect. As Wido moved to attack the captain, it seemed slower and weaker. Wido landed two mighty blows on the creature and it crumbled to dust before his eyes. Drogo and Sir Thiebault then moved in to finish off the last of the group of undead, but the Lemmings could hear even more approaching.

The cavern they stood in was filling up with gravewalkers now and the fight was on as both sides stumbled over the rocky, uneven floor. The Thrappled Lemmings settled in for a hard slog.

Onesipe sighted carefully and fired. The skull of the gravewalker lieutenant shattered and the monster turned to dust. The rest of them swarmed the Lemmings and the fight swung back and forward with neither side gaining any advantage. Lysanthir took the opportunity to cast Mobility on Wido who suddenly found himself adapted to the rocky floor and able to move normally.

"Why the Hel did you not do that before?"grumbled Wido.

Then there was an earth-shattering roar as the distant chanting of a deranged cultist reached a new pitch. The delve shook and a sound like rocks grinding against each other joined the other noises of the battle.

"Ah, crap!" swore Lysanthir, "That sounds like that cursed cultist has summoned an earth elemental. better carve these gravewalkers up real quick because we are in for a hard fight."

The fight was long and hard, and more gravewalkers joined the fray as it went on. The Thrappled Lemmings slowly whittled the undead down, but there was a nasty moment when Sir Thiebault fell to the floor. Fortunately, he had just stumbled and the gravewalker's blow passed through where his head had been moments before. Wido was badly wounded, but a Heal spell from Lysanthir patched him up. The party prepared to move on. This time they would get that cultist and stop her summoning more evil elementals.

As the Lemmings advanced up the narrow corridors, more gravewalkers appeared. Drogo was in the lead and was hard pressed to stand against them. Worse yet, there was no room for manoeuvre. He would have to stand until he fell, and then the others would have to step over him to take them on. Drogo swung his axe for all he was worth. Bone flew from the gravewalkers and he received cuts in turn. After an age, he managed to cleave the skull on one of them and it crumbled to the ground. He damaged another but he was exhausted. A slight slip led to him leaving himself open and the gravewalker's blow felled him. The others would have to take up the fight now.

Fulrad was next in the firing line. He was fresher than Drogo and quickly slew the remaining gravewalkers. The party moved on. Fulrad was advancing into a cavern when a sudden loud howling blasted through the cavers. He had triggered an alarm that would surely draw more gravewalkers to it!

As the party advanced further into the caverns, they encountered more gravewalkers and found the site of the deranged cultist's summoning. Unfortunately, they also encountered the result of that summoning. Just as Wido and Sir Thiebault dealt with two more gravewalkers, an earth elemental squeezed through the passage into the cavern they were in. There was just time to bandage their wounds before they returned to the fight.

The elemental roared a challenge and charged at Wido, who fended it off, but could not find a weakness in its armour. Sir Thiebault roared a challenge in return and charged. His sword found a weak spot between two stone plates and the beast howled in fury at the pain Sir Thiebault had inflicted. Molten magma flowed from the opened wound. Inspired, Wido raced in and opened the wound further with his spear. The monster was slowing now. But not enough. As Wido and Sir Thiebault worked to kill it, it lashed out at Sir Thiebault and sent him flying 30 paces through the air to smack into the wall of the cavern. The only thing that saved him was his armour but he was still badly hurt though not out of the fight yet. Despite being badly wounded, he raced back into the fight. His blow struck true and the elemental collapsed into a pile of rubble.

The others raced for the summoning chamber and got there just in time to see the deranged cultist fleeing the scene, demoralised by the death of her monster.

She shrieked the words, "I'll get you next time, Lemmings!" as she fled.

The Thrappled Lemmings checked on Drogo, who was groggy and bleeding, but would be fine with a little rest. The subsequent search of the caverns revealed a pile of loot, but Wido was ambushed by a gravewalker as he searched. Fortunately, he was able to fight it off and carry on. With the cavern looted of everything moveable, the party returned to their camp on the surface and counted their booty. It was a good haul. Most of the items were bits of armour from previous delvers, but a bejewelled belt and a sword with more decoration stood out from the rest. Lysanthir examined them.

"This belt is a Belt of the True Warrior," he announced, "It will aid a warrior who is separated from the rest of the party. The shimmering runes on this sword tell me that it's name is Soul Render, and that it was owned by the the legendary hero Ulfbright Grimsson."

"Oh, don't think I have heard of him. When did he live?" Onesipe was always one for picking up little snippets of history to drop into conversations in a bid to sound intelligent. He continued, "Hey, wasn't there a guy in the tavern the other week called Ulfbright? Left suddenly without paying his bill."

"Yes, I think this so-called legendary hero lived until about Thursday last week, judging by the state of his remains. Doesn't hurt to advertise a bit, I guess, assuming you live long enough for the advertising to work."

The Thrappled Lemmings pondered the fate of this erstwhile hero and Sir Thiebault laid claim to Soul Render before anyone could protest and gave the belt to Drogo because he seemed to need it most.

That was a tough scenario and took longer than any of the other ones I have played. It cost me a bunch of story points to keep the Lemmings in the fight, and the only reason that Drogo is alive is because I spent a story point on him to keep him that way. If this keeps up, I shall be out of story points before halfway through the next scenario.

The gravewalkers have a combat bonus that gives them parity with the party, so much of the fight came down to the heroes rolling better than the gravewalkers and having the counterattack ability. Having better armour, especially the two characters with Harness of Vengeance which inflicts wounds on the enemy if they wound you, really helped.

Thematically, it was really cool that the cultist failed her morale check and ran away after the elemental died. She will be back next level.

Earth Elemental

  • Speed: 5"
  • Combat: +1
  • Damage: +2/+2
  • Armour: 4
  • Toughness: 6
  • MP: 4
  • RR: 2
  • Traits: Charge, Knock Back

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Turn 56: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Disco Demons from Dimension X, Temple of Elemental Evil Level 4 (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

There are four levels of this dungeon to go, including this one. As it is a temple of Elemental Evil, that means I have decided to include a Deranged Cultist among each of the cultist forces in each of these four levels thus creating a chance at summoning an elemental Aberration. The Deranged Cultist is additional to any leaders or unique foes generated by the system.

There is an elemental in the Aberrations list in the rule book. I have used that as the basis for creating unique air, earth, fire and water elementals. If the party moves fast enough, they can stop the elemental being summoned. Failure to do that will result in them having to fight it. I have no idea if I am overfacing the Thrappled Lemmings here, but this is meant to be an epic finale to my campaign, so I am ramping up the danger levels (I think). Let us see if the Lemmings get lucky...

Breakfast was a sombre affair. Wido had forgotten to load Jarnhauss the Mule up with beer and the Lemmings were grumpy because of that. Still, they had the entertainment of Hildegard the Healer visiting them. She had offered to heal any injuries, but no one required her attention, so they just gossiped and told her the news of their heroic activities. It never hurts to spread good publicity about yourself, you know.

Of course, being hospitable to a wandering healer comes at a price, and the Lemmings quickly found their rations being depleted. Hildegard was a bottomless pit when it came to food, even trail foods. After breakfast, Lysanthir went in search of herbs, but found none. Sir Thiebault took Fulrad hunting but they hunted in vain. It seemed that the activities of the local cultists had scared the game away.

With their bellies full, the Thrappled Lemmings wished Hildegard well and descended into the depths of the Temple again in search of more treasure. As usual, Fulrad scouted ahead for them. As he stealthily advanced into the dungeon, fog curled around his feet and flowed through the corridors. Visibility was poor as it rose and formed a misty veil over the whole dungeon that shifted in soft currents of air and hinted at monstrous shapes lurking just beyond. The gibbering of the previous level was replaced by a dull, rhythmic thumping, thrumming noise. Fulrad found himself moving in time to the faintly heard beat. It was alien but intoxicating, a foreign spell that could steal a person's mind. Taking control of his thoughts once more, he called the others to him and reported what his scouting had shown.

Lemmings enter from bottom left and bottom right. The deranged cultist is at the top of the map. Cavern tiles from Heroic Maps

"This place reeks of treasure," he whispered, "I have identified several areas that could be fruitful, but be careful, because there's some kind of night fever forcing that rhythm out of your soul."

"Huh!" responded Sir Thiebault wittily.

"No," said Lysanthir, "I can feel it. The groove is waiting to for us. Stay alert and don't get swept away."

Sir Thiebault, who was tone deaf and a real buzzkill was none the wiser, but he ordered the Lemmings to advance anyway. There were two entry points to this level so they split up and moved out.

They advanced quickly through the twisting tunnels of the cavern, despite the fog that blocked their view. Fulrad suddenly rushed forward.


As he did so, three grotesquely colourful demons spotted him.

"Oh shit!"

"Formation, ladies!" shouted one of the demons.

Dancing queens

As Fulrad retreated at full speed, Sir Thiebault and Drogo dashed through separate passages to aid him. The demons shimmied forward in time to the increasingly loud bass beat that echoed through the halls. They took a step to the left, and then a step to the right. They put their hands on their hips and made it abundantly clear that they would not leave the Thrappled Lemmings untouched. Their razor sharp nails extended six inches from their finger tips and glittered with eerie light. They flowed forward towards Drogo, who drove them back.

Involuntarily, he cried out "You can tell by the way I use my axe, I'm a woman's man. No time to talk!"

The fog in the corridors eddied more. A great soughing sigh flowed through the caverns.

"Ha, you're about to be blown away!" screeched a demon.

A deranged cultist flanked by demon allies

Lysanthir feared the worst. A cultist had summoned an elemental and this fight was about to get even more serious. He feared it would be pure murder on the dance floor.

Onesipe advanced towards a likely spot for treasure. As he did so, the floor under him broke up. He only just managed to leap back to safe ground as a poor of toxic sludge was revealed. Wido moved quickly past him, followed more slowly by Lysanthir who was muttering something about staying alive. He had a feeling he knew who they faced now and he was not happy. The demons of Dimension d15 c0 were tough and deadly. It was easy to forget this when you saw them. They looked like brightly coloured shiny happy people and they would have you swaying in time to the rhythm of their whims even as they eviscerated you in a typical d15 c0 inferno.

Meanwhile, the demons were chasing Drogo through the corridors. One caught up with Fulrad, who slew it, with the aid of Sir Thiebault. Drogo and Sir Thiebault then turned to the other two in the group. They had found their groove now and the demons died quickly. Fulrad had time while they did that to check out an interesting feature in the cavern ahead, only to find himself dancing back at high speed from a pit full of toxic looking sludge that changed colour rapidly, his boot heels melting where he had partially fallen in.

On the other flank, Wido and Lysanthir had been spotted by more of the demons. Wido's spear wove patterns of death as Lysanthir egged him on. Green ichor oozed from wounds on the demon's bodies as the two groups parted to catch their breath before returning to the fray.

Seconds later the onslaught began again. Lysanthir was driven back and Wido stepped in to the fray aided by Onesipe. Between them, they cut the demons down. Two ran from the fight, but the rest lay dead before our heroes. As the infernal beat died down, the deranged cultist took to her heels. She would live to face our heroes again, but the air elemental she had summoned was now flowing ominously through the caverns towards Lysanthir, Onesipe and Wido.

Onesipe fired a bolt at it, but it passed right through without hurting it. Then Wido engaged the creature but neither he nor the elemental could gain any advantage. Fulrad rushed up to take up a firing position and joined the fight. After an age, Onesipe spotted a break in the swirling winds surrounding the creature's core and shot a bolt straight through it. The creature spasmed in agony. Wido saw this and stepped in, driving his spear into the same spot. The monster flailed and lashed out, throwing Wido ten paces back through the air to smack against the cavern wall. Winded but unharmed he picked himself up again.

Lysanthir had moved up to support Wido and was now the elemental's target. He flailed wildly with his staff in a bid to fend the creature off. It's first blow was stopped by his ring of protection and then he drove it back enough to get some breathing room.

Air Elemental from the Temple of Elemental Evil board game

As Wido returned to the fight, Drogo and Sir Thiebault raced up to attack. The monster was badly wounded but still dangerous and it was at times like this that the Thrappled Lemmings came together as a team. Onesipe and Fulrad fired as quickly as they could. Lysanthir tried to distract the elemental, while the others weaved in and out in a complex dance of swordplay. It was a miracle that none of the party was wounded but by supporting each other and working together, it was also only a matter of time before the air elemental fell. That honour went to Drogo whose axe clove through the howling gale around the creature to find its soft centre. The caverns were stunningly quiet after it fell.

"Right, let's loot the heck out of this place," announced Lysanthir, breaking the silence. The Lemmings set to with a will. They had sustained cuts and bruises but their supply of bandages had held them together

The resultant pile of treasure made the Lemmings very happy, even if they had disturbed a few more of the demons and set off a trap that nearly killed Drogo. Fortunately, Lysanthir was on hand with a Heal spell and the Lemmings en masse were more than a match for a few demons. They returned to their camp above ground to rest up before continuing their quest for even more loot.

That went better than I feared. On paper, the elemental's Armour and Toughness are a real challenge, but the sheer number of attacks made and the party's superior Combat Skill really told. The Elemental won a couple of rounds of melee but did not take any of the party out of the fight, so they were able to bandage their wounds and carry on. With so many attacks being made against it, it was really only a matter of time before I got lucky and beat both its Armour and Toughness. Still, it could have gone the other way and badly with worse dice rolling, especially with the elemental having +2 to defeat both Armour and Toughness. It would only have taken one lucky hit for a Lemming to be lost.

Air Elemental

  • Speed 5
  • Combat +1
  • Damage +2/+2
  • Armour 4
  • Toughness 6
  • MP 3
  • RR 3
  • Traits: Ethereal, Lash, Wings

The idea is that it is hard to damage because it is composed of air and that it gusts in a way that drives its attackers back. Being an air elemental, it can also ignore terrain penalties by drifting over them.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Turn 55: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Temple of Elemental Evil, Level 3 (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 "Hey, did you feel that?"

Lysanthir had noticed a sudden judder in the air around him, like time had stuttered and juddered and then resumed. He was attuned to such things through his mystic studies.

"Don't know what you are talking about," chorused the others.

"Yeah, stick to the ale. You know that scumble does bad things to your brain," advised Onesipe and promptly followed his own advice by ordering another mug of Olde Forgetful.

It's been a while. Between the Easter break and catching various lurgies, I have not really been up for playing games. Time to get back in the saddle and try to remember where we were up to in the tales of the Thrappled Lemmings.

As Lysanthir mused on the nature and malleability on time, he heard a Town Crier outside announcing to the world that the merchant Tancred Guttormsson would pay a generous 2 Marks for the return of an item whose nature would be disclosed to the brave souls who volunteered to undertake this task for him. Lysanthir immediately delegated Onesipe to contact Tancred and accept the contract.

He then settled up the bill at the inn for 2 Marks and went in search of the others. He found Onesipe and Drogo sparring. Onesipe confirmed that he had accepted the contract before he got distracted. He told them to be ready to travel as soon as he returned from selling their excess gear at the market.

With all the necessary business done, the Thrappled Lemmings followed the well-worn trail to the Temple and proceeded down into the depths below the earth. As they reached unexplored areas, the halls around them echoed with the gibbering and howling of nameless creatures drawn to the infernal magics of the cultists activities. Twisted, deformed and devoid of sanity, they would visit their own horror on everyone else that all might realise the sights they saw.

The Lemmings enter from the bottom left

Fulrad scouted ahead. His experienced eye noted that this level was larger than the others with more important features. It was clear from the way the level had been carved out of the bedrock with extra care. With such a large area to search, the party decided to split up into three groups. Fulrad was the first to find anything: a bag of gems worth 5 Marks.

"Score!" he thought to himself as Sir Thiebault tried to catch up with him.

Onesipe, also eager for treasure, raced ahead, only to encounter a group of twisted man-beast things emerging from a side passageway just as another group was disappearing down a different passageway in the vast hall that he had entered. Worse yet, he could hear the scratching, shuffling footsteps of another enemy nearby. Drogo moved up alongside Onesipe just as the twisted man-beast creatures spotted the pair and charged. A brief melee ensued with no one gaining the upper hand. Both sides stepped back to catch their breath. Onesipe fired but the beast's thick fur stopped his bolt. Drogo charged in again, crushing a creature's skull with his axe so badly that its teeth fell out onto the ground. Drogo's axe swung as the other creatures attacked. He cleaved one in two and drove the other back with black ichod dripping from mighty wounds.


But, more were approaching. Onesipe desperately reloaded his crossbow. He aimed and fired at the newest arrival. Blood spouted from a grievous wound but the creature staggered on just the same. The monsters attacked like the maddened beasts they were. Only their stout armour saved Onesipe and Drogo long enough for each to slay his foe. The fight was long and hard and they were panting desperately by the end of it but there was little time for respite.

More of the beast-forms emerged from passages along the way and attacked viciously and unthinkingly. Drogo drove one back as the others approached, ready to charge. The melee dragged on. Drogo's armour took hit after hit but held against the beasts' claws. Surrounded by bodies and slipping in the blood, he nearly fell victim to the fetid breath and razor sharp teeth of one creature, but successfully slipped in under its guard despite being wounded and cut this one down too. The sight of so much carnage caused one of the creatures to drop to all fours and sprint from the hall. That still left four of them though.

As the others fought, Lysanthir found that the floor of one room was unstable and rocked under foot, making it hard to walk on. Fulrad triggered a trap. Fortunately, he was using the ten-foot pole that was part of his Delver's Kit, so he was unharmed. He then promptly opened a door to reveal a room filled with a toxic miasma. Staggering back choking, he shut the door and moved on.

In a pause in the battle, Drogo bandaged his wounds. Onesipe shot but his crossbow bolt failed to penetrate the creature's armour. Lysanthir soon found that he was not alone either. Footsteps were approaching the large chamber he was in.

Lysanthir discovers something unspeakable

The pause was not long for Drogo as the beasts rushed forward once more. He and Onesipe cut them down. Their armour was bloodied and battered by the end, but soon a dozen corpses lay around them and bloody footprints showed where the last of the creatures had fled. They caught their breath.

A hard fight

Lysanthir back-pedalled for all he was worth as a beast-man attacked him. He yelled to Wido, hoping that the warrior would be able to reach him in time. Wido came running. Together, the pair took up station in the corridor as the man-beast pursued Lysanthir, howling and dripping foam from its slavering jaws. It did not matter though. Wido pierced the beast's breast with a single strike of his war spear and the creature fell lifeless to the ground. The gibbering and howling and insanity-inducing noises in this place had all died down. There was nothing left to do but loot the place and camp for the night before returning home for a welcome flagon of ale (or scumble).

"Hey, lads, do you think a lot of people have been here before us?"

"Dunno, why?"

"Well, it just seems like there is a lot of armour lying around, like maybe those beasts ate its former wearers."

"Makes sense."

The four suits of armour would sell well, although Drogo grabbed the one that Lysanthir declared to be magic, after shaking out an arm bone from it that appeared not to have been chewed for a change. His armour was just too scratched up and this magic armour looked both strong and light. They also found a few weapons and some valuables. All in all, it was a good haul. Better yet, they had found Tancred's little black book and could return it to claim that reward too.

Well, Onesipe and Drogo (but mainly Drogo) carried that one. Onesipe's crossbow barely did anything but he did better when he got his sword out, while Drogo's axe did its job and cut down most of the dead enemies. It was good to get back to this campaign and I look forward to the next level of this dungeon. Maybe we should not split the party up to explore it though. This could have gone very badly for Onesipe and Drogo were it not for their armour protecting them more often than normal, although the enemy also did well on armour rolls. Fortunately, using all the Will points they had really helped the Lemmings get through without relying on Story Points this time. With all their loot stashed on their mule, they are ready to take on the next level.

Another thing that strikes me is how well these oversized dungeon maps work for this type of game. The levels are a bit too large, but the maps work well and are easy to put together, which lets me get to the gaming faster. I still quite fancy making a proper terrain set for the dungeons but that will wait.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Turn 54: The Thrappled Lemmings and The Amazing Minotaur (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 It was market day in Fikaby and everyone was in good spirits because the Thrappled Lemmings had reopened the roads to free trade.

"The beer must flow," said each villager to their neighbours as they went about their daily business. It had become a greeting in the village thanks to the Thrappled Lemmings.

"The beer must flow," said Hannah Rustinale, proprietor of the Halfskinned Eel (there was a story behind that name) to the Lemmings as they took their breakfast.

"The beer shall flow," chorused the Lemmings back.

In the spirit of the statement, they knocked back more than usual quantities of beer, but no one minded because the Lemmings had gold to spare these days, and hanging out with the locals was generating a lot of good will at some small cost in that gold. While the others drank, Drogo trained. He was determined not to get wounded so badly again. Meanwhile, Onesipe was busily selling the triptychs they had found.

After the important business of the day was done, Lysanthir convened a party meeting over dinner. The agenda was where next to seek treasure. The debate was hot, but the majority of the group opted to seek out the monster lair to the north of Fikaby. It would be doing their hosts a service, which might lead to free beer, and the monster almost certainly had a decent hoard of treasure for them to plunder. This decided, they went to bed early, ready to rise at dawn and head out after the monster.

The approach to the monster's lair was straightforward, and, as usual, Fulrad was volunteered to scout the area for the entrance to the monster's den while the others hung back and prepared themselves. Lysanthir drank the Fiery Wine which felt like a bad case of acid reflux, but the ability to breathe fire was novel for him. The others did their stretching exercises and waited.

Fulrad sneaks up on a pig

Fulrad sneaked through the low hills and light woods north of Fikaby. His senses were attuned to the noises around him, the sound of Wido whining behind him, the rustling of a pig in the woods ahead. He stepped carefully and approached the first likely location that he needed to scout. There was a pig here.

Wait! That's no pig!

A Minotaur was eating it. He had found the monster and caught it by surprise. He called the others forward and took up a position on the edge of the woods where he could still see the Minotaur as Sir Thiebault, Drogo and Wido formed up to advance on the beast. Onesipe and Lysanthir joined him.

The Thrappled Lemmings gawk at the supposed pig

Sir Thiebault gave the signal. Onesipe, Fulrad and Wido fired in unison. Onesipe missed by a good country mile, while Fulrad's shot was stopped by the beast's armour. Wido's shot stunned the monster. Lysanthir breathed fire in the beast's general direction, missing wildly.

Drogo charged and his axe cleaved a deep wound into the Minotaur's flank. The Minotaur bellowed as Drogo's next swing went wild and it flung him 30 feet through the air to land winded and gasping. Sir Thiebault raced in and found himself also flung back to land beside Drogo, although his armour prevented him from being hurt worse than that.

Lysanthir was the next to fly through the air as the Minotaur charged him. He had got too close and got off lightly as he landed unhurt thanks to his armour. Onesipe and Fulrad retreated to stand beside Lysanthir. Wido charged. Unable to hurt the Minotaur, he was still able to push it back. Sir Thiebault, thinking to aid Wido charged but was thrown through the air. The only thing that saved him from disaster was his armour. Drogo followed up and carved another slice out of the Minotaur's flanks. In a furious melee, Drogo found his speed and suddenly his axe went snicker-snack. He cut more wounds into the creature which was driven back, but charged again, only to face Drogo's axe once more. Drogo swung and cleaved its head in two.

The Thrappled Lemmings conclude that all those recent knocks on the head have taught Drogo how to fight at last!

Breathing hard, the Thrappled Lemmings looked around for loot. It seemed like the Minotaur had mostly been hoarding the weapons of those that tried to slay it. The Lemmings gathered up a selection of weapons that they found and headed back to Fikaby to report the news.

Well, that was a battle of two halves! At first I thought that the Thrappled Lemmings had forgotten to sharpen their weapons, because all they rolled were 1s when trying to get past the Minotaur's armour of 1. Then suddenly Drogo found his Vorpal Axe of Snicker-Snack and slew the monster in the course of two full rounds of melee. That really could have gone a lot worse, and nearly did.

Monday 18 March 2024

Turn 53: The Thrappled Lemmings Help the Beer Flow (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 Wido woke one morning with a sore shoulder. By the end of breakfast, everyone else was sick of his complaining, but still it went on. To get away from the moaning, Drogo and Fulrad headed off to train until the group was ready for today's patrol. Sigrid the Beggar was in Fikaby at this point and she told Lysanthir something useful about the surrounding area. Her travels gave her access to a lot of information, and it was quite likely, Lysanthir surmised, that she was more than just a poor beggar. Nevertheless, he gave her a few gold pieces to tide her over and keep her on side.

With the business of the day sorted, the Thrappled Lemmings headed out on patrol once more.

"The beer must flow," was Lysanthir's explanation.

"The beer must flow," chorused the others.

Their patrol began well, and they encountered Arngrim the Priest who told them that the roads seemed much safer already, but that he had seen some dodgy people on his journey. He directed the Thrappled Lemmings to the place where he had seen them. The party headed off in that direction. It was heartening that Arngrim had not mentioned seeing any Orcs at all, so these must just be the usual run of the mill robbers.

As they patrolled up the road, they heard cries from up ahead.

"Stand and deliver! Your money or your life!"

"Ah, no, please, I don't have anything of value. I am just a poor merchant!"

"Ha! A 'poor' merchant? Yes, I have heard that one before. And, of course, you always pay your taxes on time and in full! Hah! Right! Hand it over! All of it! We are tax collectors, not robbers, and we are here to ensure that Jarl Bodvarr receives his rightful share, so that he can continue to protect people like you from robbers and brigands and bandits."

The Thrappled Lemmings needed to hear no more. They raced forward, splitting up to cover both sides of the road.

"Ware Lemmings!" cried a look-out, who had seen them approaching at the last minute.

The bandit leader ordered his men into position. The merchant, who did not look that poor after all, took the opportunity to race off to safety in the woods.

"I really don't need this," moaned Wido, "My shoulder hurts."

Onesipe started the fight by firing at the armoured bandit who had given the warning.

"Tis but a flesh wound," cried the bandit.

One of the bandit crossbowmen fired at Onesipe and wounded him. Onesipe returned fire and wounded the bandit, who fired back again and laid Onesipe out.

The bandit leader and his sidekick attacked Fulrad and Wido, but were pushed back and Wido wounded the sidekick before killing him. The wounded crossbowman took to his heels at this point. He had done his bit and someone needed to survive to tell Jarl Bodvarr what had happened to his taxes.

Wido and Fulrad attacked the bandit leader and it was not long before the leader had fallen. Drogo and Sir Thiebault did the same on their side of the battlefield and slew a bandit. As the bandits fell one by one, it became too much, and the last two bandits fled for home, both wounded. The Thrappled Lemmings held the field once more and were now certain that the beer would flow, as it must. The crossbow bolt that had felled Onesipe had merely knocked him out, and he was soon up and complaining about his headache just as much, and just as irritatingly, as Wido was complaining about his bad shoulder.

The merchant had fled leaving a bag of elegant triptyches that the Thrappled Lemmings would sell well and another sack of fine cheeses and bottles of wine, so the Lemmings could count the day a proper victory. They returned to Fikaby for a celebratory ale.

"Well, that's the roads open again. What say we head back to the Temple and plunder it for all it's worth?" Lysanthir asked the group. A hefty debate ensued as they considered their options.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Turn 52: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Bad Wolves (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 Once more the Thrappled Lemmings were feted by a tavern keeper. This time it was the owner of The Brimming Stein who paid their bills and benefited from their presence. Even with the cost of the various breakages, the owner came out ahead on this deal. Wido spent a Mark on getting the dent removed from his helmet, while the others spent time meeting and drinking with the locals. Based on the tales told in the tavern that day, it was a wonder the Lemmings were not each 10 feet tall, so great was their prowess in battle. Then it was time for a trip to the market, where more Tonic was purchased and they sold as much loot as they could. Lysanthir also spent some time researching the tales of monsters in the fog. He identified this monster lair as being near Haitabu.

With the business of the day seen to, the Thrappled Lemmings chose to go on patrol in a bid to make the area safe for beer deliveries everywhere. As they patrolled the area around Fikaby, they chanced upon some unsavoury types making life hard for a humble pie maker.

"Wolves," announced Fulrad, "and they have an Orc champion with them. Can't allow that, can we?"

The Thrappled Lemmings split into two groups to cover more ground. They needed to scout the area to make sure they had cleared out all the wolves before they were done. Lysanthir, Onesipe and Wido took the left flank and the others the right.

Fulrad, Drogo and Sir Thiebault advanced quickly through a wooded grove and made sure it was clear. They could hear the wolves ahead of them, but could not see them yet. The area was covered in small copses and low hills, so it was not possible to see far at all.

Onesipe and Wido were the first to see wolves, as they crested a low rise. They paused and took aim. Onesipe's crossbow shot wounded a wolf, and Wido finished it off with a bow shot. The remaining wolves charged forwards and were soon snapping at our heroes. As a wolf came rushing forward, Fulrad wounded it with an arrow, then Sir Thiebault stepped in and cut it down. Onesipe wounded the champion with a crossbow shot, and Wido finished him off with an arrow.

Suddenly four more wolves burst out from the top of a wooded hill nearby. They charged the Thrappled Lemmings and soon Wido and Drogo were in a desperate fight for their lives. Wido drove back his attackers and wounded one of them. Drogo was wounded himself. Lysanthir cast a quick healing spell on him. Fulrad shot one of the wolves and this loss was too much for another of them which fled with its tail between its legs. With the wolves' numbers much reduced, the Thrappled Lemmings were quickly able to defeat the rest of them. Barring minor cuts, none of them were hurt, so they looted the corpses and headed back to the Elf's Rest for a hearty dinner and a post-prandial drink or three.

From scouting the corpses and from a crude map in the pouch of the Orc champion, the party leared of two areas that could bear exploration and might be sources of loot. They also found a bottle that Lysanthir identified as Fiery Wine, a magical potion that allowed a person to breathe fire for a short while.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Turn 51: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Bandits' Trap of Inescapable Doom (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 It was harvest time and Fikaby was a hive of activity, as the Thrappled Lemmings could clearly see. They were fascinated by this and were offered pay if they would help out, but they decided that watching other people work was hard enough without actually exerting themselves to do it too. This created a bit of bad feeling, and they found themselves being charged a supplement for their dinner. Drogo spent part of his time at the healer, being ministered to and declared himself fit to fight shortly after. Meanwhile, Lysanthir spent time practising his spells and doing research. He soon discovered that one of the monsters in the fog had its lair to the west of Elsfjord Kloster (-6 Adventure Points). While this was going on, Onesipe was at the market buying more Tonic. It was pretty much a certainty that it would be needed again soon.

Later, the Thrappled Lemmings prepared to march out of Fikaby. Their plan was to patrol the area for the last remnants of the Orcs, who were hindering trade and robbing people. Their secondary goal was to find a small chest that one of the village elders had been robbed of. It did not take long for them to chance upon a likely  group of unsavoury Orcish robbers who were up to no good. The robbers challenged the Thrappled Lemmings to hand over their worldly wealth, but the Thrappled Lemmings were reluctant to do so. And that is how the fight started.

Red arrows show Orcish movements. Blue show the Thrappled Lemmings

Wido raced over to the nearest bandit and was promptly wounded. Driven back, he gave the bandit time to fire a shot at him and he was taken out of the fight. The bandit sergeant raced up the hill towards Fulrad. Sir Thiebault charged. The bandit sergeant died. A new group of bandits appeared as Lysanthir recovered the box. Fulrad and Onesipe fired as fast as they could but their shots did not count for anything. Drogo raced to the fray in the field and slew two bandits in quick succession. Soon there was nothing to see but dead bandits near the road and the dust from the two who chose discretion over valour. Wido was unwounded, but his helmet had taken a solid hit and was damaged.

The Thrappled Lemmings returned to town, where they learned that monsters had taken up residence in some old ruins near Haitabu. They toasted this potential new source of income and drank the night away together, happy that Wido was unharmed.

That went a lot quicker than expected. The only problem was Wido getting carried away and charging on ahead of the others. He will know better next time, we hope. As it happened, Drogo just carved his way through the bandits who arrived as a result of the Unknown Enemy marker. My missile troops were rubbish though. There is now a new delve on the map, and we have identified a previously unexplored area as a monster lair. It would be really quite easy to continue this campaign until the map is completely full of adventure sites with the way the random events go. So many side quests, so little time!

Sunday 10 March 2024

Turns 49-50: The Thrappled Lemmings and the Mist-Clad Warband (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 The day dawned bright and full of promise, in part because Drogo was still alive. Fulrad had found a nearby cave that seemed dry and they had all camped there for the night. Sir Thiebault had spotted a large stag and had gone off in pursuit, and Lysanthir was out looking for herbs and medicinal plants. Onesipe's first job was to feed Drogo some Tonic to help his healing. He would still not be able to fight on this raid, but he would live and they could collect him from the cave on their way back from the raid.

Sir Thiebault retured a short while later. Jarnhauss the Mule was laden with animal pelts that could be sold for a goodly sum at market. Lysanthir returned with two portions of Springwind Berries. He and Sir Thiebault ate them as the party headed out to the Orc camp.

Fulrad reported back to the party, "Doesn't look like there are many of them, but there is some kind of Hellbeast with them. I don't like it!"

The party made good use of cover and it was only when Fulrad crested a rise on a low wooded hill and had a view to the camp that they were spotted and the alarm was called. Fulrad's first shot only annoyed the Infernal Spawn and it responded by charging up the hill at him. As this action unfolded, Lysanthir called out a warning.

"There's more of them coming!"

He had spotted a new group of Orcs returning to the camp. As he called out this warning, Wido raced to join the melee. The Trollslayer engaged the Infernal Spawn and cut it down with two strikes of his trusty war spear. He quickly drew his bow and loosed a shot at an Orc archer, wounding it. A rapid melee followed. Two Orcs died and one discovered that it wanted to be somewhere else instead and took rapid steps in that direction. Of the remaining Orcs, two were wounded, including their commander who bellowed at them to attack the Lemmings. The last of the Orcs attacked and were quickly cut down. Even the Orc lieutenant proved no match for Sir Thiebault, who dispatched him easily.

With none of their number hurt this time, the Lemmings had plenty of time to loot the Orcs' camp. The loot was good too. A pair of magical boots, some camp gear and a decent hoard of gold Marks were added to documents indicating the summoning site for the Infernal Spawn, a place that might be worth investigating further.

"Well, I reckon those Orcs are not going to be bothering us again any time soon," commented Sir Thiebault.

"There will be songs sung in the taverns about us now, right enough," said Lysanthir.

"Yup, I'm looking forward to hearing The Ballad of Wido the Hellspawnslayer," Wido agreed.

Lysanthir gave Wido a sour look and then The Thrappled Lemmings gathered everything up and headed back to where they had left Drogo. They would leave for Fikaby in the morning.

As it turned out, the following day was miserable. Still, they fed Drogo more Tonic and prepared to set out. As they did so, a humble priest begged leave of them to shelter in their cave. He introduced himself as Godi Jon, a godi without Hof or home but who roamed Utavoll to wherever his services were needed. The Thrappled Lemmings shared their breakfast with him, told him their tale and then each parted in different directions as friends.

On the way to Fikaby, Sir Thiebault hunted and returned with two large wild boar that would feed the Lemmings for ages if they preserved the meat. Lysanthir foraged for herbs and found a single dose of Springwind Berries.

Upon their arrival in Fikaby, all the talk was about a monster that had been spotted in the fog. It appeared that spotting monsters in the fog was fashionable now.

That's a lot of Five Leagues from the Borderlands this weekend! The Orc threat has been destroyed and I can see an end point in sight for the campaign. There are a few levels of The Temple delve to complete, and I feel like the Lemmings would ride patrol so that new trade can come in to the settlements. Beyond that, it is tempting to clear out all these monster lairs. There is likely to be a lot of treasure in these places, so the Lemmings would gravitate towards them. That could mean a dozen more turns, depending how badly Drogo gets injured each time, but I do not see the current arc continuing beyond that. I have made mistakes with the rules along the way, and still find myself missing things occasionally in the heat of battle, but I am happy with how it has all gone so far, and do not feel like the mistakes have advantaged or disadvantaged me in the long run. I wonder if all of the Lemmings will survive to the end of the arc though. Drogo seems to be getting hurt more and more. On the other hand, Wido is really turning into a monster killing machine, so maybe he can keep Drogo alive if I run out of Story Points for that purpose.

I do not have The Ancient Land of Dust supplement, so it is tempting to get that, but I prefer physical books to pdfs, which leaves me on the fence, even if it would provide a new direction for the next arc. Ah well, there is still time, and I do plan to focus on something else for a while after this campaign reaches a natural stopping point.