Thursday, 27 January 2011

Progress! January target met!!!

Yes, I have been making progress. I painted the last of the January target figures today. This means that I have painted two stands of knights, six or billmen and eight of longbowmen this month (= 456 figures). Hooray! On a whim I also undercoated four stands of knights this morning and got them painted this evening (= 132 more figures). That puts me ahead of target. The last of the figures are still drying and all figures are gluing to bases as I type, but photos will follow in due course. I now need to prep and undercoat the February batch in readiness for the task ahead of me next month. Oh, and add another few thousand words to my thesis before the end of the month. Now, where's the coffee?


  1. You are a maniac! I love it!
    BTW, you will be very happy to know that I have finally taken the Viking plunge, and in a big way! I will post some of my first laddies this weekend.
    Of course, you are responsible for this latest insanity!

  2. Excellent work! I say you should have a celebratory beer this weekend. Or six.

    I have almost finished painting the first of my FOG Renaissance units, a pike and shot formation of 30YW Germans.

  3. Thanks, chaps. You do realise that they are 6mm figures, don't you? Also, I have to do the same again next month. Got them undercoated today.

    @LTL Dad: Can't wait to see your Viking stuff. Vikings are the one true period/religion/insert drug of choice! :-) My Baccus Vikings should be winging their way to me. I am looking forward to getting them done too.

    @ J Womack, Esq.: I shall look forward to seeing your TYW Germans. I plan to get my Imperialists painted after the Towton painting is done. Celebratory glass of wine tomorrow night, I think.

  4. Don't tell Peter but I opted to skirmish my Vikings in 28mm. We are going to campaign these in an RPG'ish manner and I decided the size was needed for batrep photos.

  5. You are a naughty LTL Dad! :-) I just got my 6mm Vikings this morning and have been distracted ever since instead of getting on with painting Wars of the Roses figures. I cannot decide which rules to base my boys for, beyond the Rally Round The King force for our Talomir Tales campaign. Impetus is currently ahead in the poll. I might need an army for all the rules I have just to be sure!

  6. Yep, I'm a bad boy but I love these skirmish games. At least I don't have to worry about which rules to base them for! Here's my first Gripping Beast Hirdmen.
