Sunday 6 March 2011

Miroslav returns from the right hand chamber

"The chamber to the right seems empty. It is a desserted old musty place with a mural of human figures leaving offerings to some dead armoured warrior. Hard to say whether these figures are men, elf, goblin or whatever as it is quite faded. It had the aura to me of some once holy place, although to what I cannot be sure. In the centre of the room was a stone box which I managed to open. This set off some darts which fired into me but I was protected by my stout armour HA! In the box I found this vial"

He displayed a small corked vial of some blue liquid.

"And also some gold coins of antiquity. There was about 100 of these. I was going to share these amongst the 3 of us but now we have a further arrival- Good evening sir dwarf. What say the rest of you 33 gold is more than 25 but we are in poor state and gold is a good way of bonding folk together and an even better one of alienating them if not used wisely."

Miroslav winks at the dwarf.

"The room itself seems relatively safe and clear. With just one door it may be a better spot to hole up for us than having to hold 4 doors and it remains near enough to the exit should we need to break out. What say you all? Shall we move our injured friend here there where he may be safer? Then we may be able to explore better? A 100 gold in one small box at little risk may point to more profit elsewhere in this place if it be some tomb. I do not know this as any tomb for my folk and so my gods will protect me from any evil here- that or my axe will- and gold is better used by the living than by some rotten corpse. What say you?"

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