Saturday, 11 January 2025

Furniture for 15mm fantasy games

This week I have mostly been making flat-pack furniture. Fortunately, not a single allen key was required, and there were no unfortunate incidents with pieces attached the wrong way round.

Plywood terrain card 'TC005 Tables and Benches' from Ral Partha Europe

I bought several Ral Partha Europe terraincards 'TC005 Tables and Benches' just before Christmas so I spent an enjoyable evening cutting them out and gluing them together. There is something really satisfying about this sort of task!

The set comprises a long table with 2 benches plus a round table with 4 stools. They are laser cut from 3mm plywood which feels quite soft and many of the pieces are small, so I was a bit worried about pressing them out of the frame. However, all went well. I cut the tab that held them in the frame with a craft knife and pressed them out with the end of a paint brush. Very soon my table was covered in tiny pieces of plywood.

The contents of one card built.

With all the pieces out, I sanded down the nub of the tab and glued them together. Then I painted them with Vallejo 70.828 Woodgrain. This is a thin paint that is designed to be used over the top of other paints, if I have understood correctly. In this case, I did not paint the furniture first, but just applied the Woodgrain paint directly to the furniture, giving it that proper well-varnished look that should be proof against most spills of ale, food and blood.

The finished articles with two Demonworld Elves from Ral Partha Europe for scale.

"I've told you before about blowing your own trumpet in here! Now get out!" commanded the landlord.

For only a little work, the Thrappled Lemmings can now sit down and have an ale or three in comfort. I, on the other hand, must find more tavern furniture (a bar and shelves of alcohol) that I can use to set up a proper bar-room brawl. Having tables to stand on and stools to throw is a good start though.


  1. That all looks very fiddly for my sausage fingers!
    Alternative Armies do a pretty decent range of scenery items - including bookcases, books, bottles, goblets and the like - some in 28mm and some in 15mm - that are well worth a look.

    1. Heh, sausage fingers! I have sausage fingers as well and did manage to glue some parts to my fingers along the way, but it was not actually that fiddly in the end. I had forgotten about the Alternative Armies stuff. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Those are very nice! A tavern is definitely a useful set of terrain...

    1. Thank you. Sometimes it's the simple set dressing that lifts the whole look of the gaming table. And everyone should have a tavern!
