Thursday 10 February 2011

Miroslav Damekovich

Well met travellers. I am Miroslav Damekovich. I am a merchant by trade. I seek goods that folk want and will pay good money for and take them to them at a profit for myself. The best goods are those that are hardest to find and there is a fortune to be made in such items sold to the idle rich Thylatians. I will be blunt as is the way of my people and allow you to be aware that for one to be successful in such a trade one has to be capable of holding what one has. We Traladarans are a proud warrior folk and fighting comes easy to us but those times are past and have caused us much grief so we must look forwards to ways of making profit to make ourselves strong again. It is a new world and gold is what makes the world go round now rather than the knife, although one must be strong to hold it and wise to make use of it. But the wine has got my tongue and I ramble in my cups on past glories. I look to the future and profit and the gods look after one who looks after himself. Hah!

A young man, fair haired with shaved head except for a top knot as is the custom with some of the Traladarans. He wears the beginnings of a moustache on his top lip but does not seem of an age were this grows easily yet. Clothing is in the bright and baggy style of his people with a fur lined leather hat. Across his waist is a broad leather belt with a machete sized blade or saex and a money pouch. His banded mail armour he has requested the inn keep store somewhere safe with a great axe. A mule he has tethered in the stables.

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