Saturday 19 October 2024

The Thrappled Lemmings and the Pool of Ghouls (Rangers of Shadow Deep)

No fancy terrain this time. I just want to get back to playing this mission. I had stalled a bit from being distracted by other games, but also because the mission called for a few terrain pieces I did not have. In the end impatience to get on won out.

The Thrappled Lemmings crept deeper into the mound. They had lost Drogo to the Temple Guardians, but they were determined that they would slay the evil conjuror even if every last one of them had to die in service of the Rangers to do so. Of course, living and drinking excessive quantities of beer was a better outcome, so they were all agreed that this would be their goal. Let the Shadow Deep's creatures die for the Lemmings' goal instead!

The Pool of Ghouls. Amber beads represent ropes. Blue beads represent the wheels. The ledges are built up from the frames I use to mark the playing area. The standard bearers in the middle are statues. I am using two bookcases tipped on their fronts to mark the ladders.

The tunnel seemed to go on forever as they crept forward in the darkness, but it did have an end. A light appeared before them and they pushed forward towards it more quickly. Stepping through the opening at the end of the tunnel, the Lemmings emerged blinking in the bright light given off by a massive chandelier. Ropes tied to the wall near them allowed for it to be raised and lowered.

"Pity the poor sod that has to change those candles, eh?" grinned Onund.

The Lemmings had time to notice a large metal door on the other side of the chamber, before wheels near it began turning and the clink of unseen chains and cogs grinding could be heard, and almost felt. The room had ledges on either side of it, and trapdoors on the lower floor with ladders leading down from the ledges to the lower floor. As the grinding stopped, the trapdoors sprang open and ghouls emerged from them. More ghouls started climbing down the walls of the chamber.

"Quick! The ropes!" yelled Aethelwyrd, and showed what she meant by rapidly undoing one of the ropes. She swung effortlessly across the chamber on the rope to the other ledge. Kalfr and Incunabulum soon followed as the ghouls advanced towards them all. One ghoul, faster than the others, reached Kalfr and was sorely wounded for its hurry. Then the remaining Lemmings followed suit and soon all were standing on the opposite ledge.

"Good job we have practised this," Ash announced, thinking of all those barroom brawls the Lemmings had found themselves caught up in, and all those chandeliers they had previously swung from.

Having a swinging time! Aethelwyrd has turned her wheel and the door now stands open.

As another ghoul emerged from one of the trapdoors, Aethelwyrd directed Kalfr and Incunabulum to try turning one of the wheels. Kalfr cut down the ghoul in front of him and moved to the far wheel. Incunabulum went to help him, while Aethelwyrd put her own shoulder to the nearest wheel and pushed. It turned slowly. As it did so, one of the trapdoors slammed shut and the big metal door opened.

"That was lucky. Lemmings, get through that door as fast as you can!"

One ghoul was quicker than the others. It attacked Onund, but gave up its efforts to hurt him because his axe was buried in its skull. It collapsed to the floor as more ghouls swarmed towards the ladder up to the ledge. Atli and Ash both fired shots at the advancing ghouls before racing through the doorway. Onund took up position at the top of the ladder. He would stand guard while Aethelwyrd and the others got to the door.

Form a disorderly queue! Singed ghouls give the remaining Lemmings time to escape.

As Aethelwyrd and the others rushed to join Onund, the ghouls formed a disorderly queue for the ladder and Incunabulum blasted one with a magic bolt. The leading ghoul managed to wound Onund however. Incunabulum shot a fireball into the midst of the packed mass of ghouls searing all of them with its fire. The leading ghoul was burnt to a crisp, even though it was on the edge of the blast. Taking advantage of this brief respite, the remaining Lemmings charged through the metal door and heaved it shut behind them. They dressed Onund's wounds and pressed on deeper into the Temple of Madness.

Well, that went quickly. All of the Lemmings successfully swung across the lower ground, vastly speeding up the process of escaping. Then Aethelwyrd opened the door with the first wheel, which was even luckier. I had feared that I would have to try all the wheels before the door opened, especially after Kalfr and Incunabulum working together failed to turn their wheel. Better yet, Onund was the only one wounded in this scenario, which means that all of the Lemmings except for him are back to full Health. That will come in handy. What will this mad temple throw at the Lemmings next?

One thing I wonder about and that is not explained in the scenario is if the rope tokens should be used up. In retrospect, I think this is the case. In my head, those who swung across flung the rope back to their comrades, hence all members of the Lemmings being able to swing across. Ah well, I had fun, and my opponent did not complain, so all is well for now.

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