This is a repository for my conversions of monsters from D&D to Scarlet Heroes in an attempt to keep me consistent. The listings only include the relevant stats for game play. Additional description will be found in the appropriate rules or adventures. Hopefully, I shall remember to keep it updated and to consult it as needed.
Ape, White (AC 6, HD 4, M 40', ATK 2 claws +4, DAM 1d4/1d4, Skill +2, ML 7, XP 75)
Beetle, Oil (AC 4, HD 2, M 40', ATK 1 bite +2 and caustic oil to 5', DAM 1d6 + special, Skill +1, ML 8, XP 25, Notes: oil causes -2 penalty on attacks until cured or for 24 hours)
Carrion Crawler (AC 7, HD 3, M 40', ATK 8 tentacles +3, DAM save vs Con or paralysis for 10 minutes, Skill +2, ML 9, XP 50)
Cave Bear (AC 5, HD 7, M 120'/40', ATK 2 claws, 1 bite +7, DAM 2d4/2d4/2d6, Skill +4, ML 9, XP 450)
Gargoyle (AC 5, HD 4, M 30' fly 50', ATK claw+4/claw+4/bite+4/horn+4, DAM 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4, Skill +8, ML 11, XP 175)
Gelatinous Cube (AC 8, HD 4, M 20', ATK 1 +4, DAM 2d4 + paralysis, Skill +2, ML 12, XP 125)
Ghoul (AC 6, HD 2, M 30', ATK 2 claws +2, 1 bite +2, DAM 1d3 + paralysis, Skill +1, ML 9, XP 25, Notes: Save if hit or be paralysed for 10 minutes)
Hobgoblin (AC 6, HD 1, M 30', ATK 1 +1, DAM 1d8, Skill +1, ML 8, XP 10)
Ogre (AC 5, HD 4, M 30', ATK 1 +4, DAM 1d8+2, Skill +4, ML 10, XP 125)
Owlbear (AC 5, HD 5, M 40', ATK 3 +5, DAM 1d8 each, Skill +3, ML 9, XP 175)
Polymar (AC 9, HD 10, M 20', ATK 3 +10, DAM 1d6 each, Skill +5, ML 10, XP 900)
Rakasta (AC 6, HD 2+1, M 90'/30', ATK 2 claws/1bite +2, DAM 1d4 each, Skill +2, ML 9, XP 25)
Sabre-toothed Tiger (AC 6, HD 8, M 150'/50', ATK 1 claws/1 bite +8, DAM 1d8/1d8/2d6, Skill +4, ML 10, XP 650)
Shadow (AC 7, HD 2, M 30', ATK 1 +2, DAM 1d4 + special, Skill +2, ML 12, XP 25, Notes: Surprise on 1-5 on 1d6, Drain 1 STR with each hit lasting for 1 hour. If STR reduced to 0, character becomes a Shadow)
Shrew, Giant (AC 4, HD 1, M 60', ATK 2 bites +1, DAM 1d6/1d6, Skill +1, ML 10, XP 10)
Skeleton (AC 7, HD 1, M 20', ATK 1 weapon +1, DAM 1d6, Skill+1, ML 12, XP 10)
Snake, Rock Python (AC 6, HD 5, M 30', ATK 2 bite+5/crush auto, DAM 1d4 bite/2d4 crush, Skill +3, ML 8, XP 300)
Statue, Living Iron (AC 2, HD 4, M 10', ATK 2 fists+4, DAM 1d8/1d8 +special, Skill +4, ML 11, XP 125)
Werefox (AC 9/6 as fox, HD 3, M 40'/60' as fox, ATK 1+3, DAM by weapon or 1d6, Skill +3, ML 8, XP 75)
Yellow Mould (AC Can always be hit, HD 2, M 0, ATK Spores +2, DAM 1d6 + special, Skill +2, ML n/a, XP 25, Notes: Can only be killed by fire. Torch does 1d4 damage per round. Eats through organic materials. If touched 50% chance will squirt spores in 10'x10'x10' area. Anyone in that area must save vs Con or choke to death in 1 minute.)
Zombie (AC 8, HD 2, M 90'/30', ATK 1 claw or weapon +2, DAM 1d8 or weapon, Skill +1, ML 12, XP 20, Notes: Always attack last in round)
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