This means that I have painted all of my Brigade Models figures. This is the only company of whom I can say this is true. I guess that means it is time to buy some more figures from them! I quite fancy the Aeroenef over the Aegean scenario pack. A lone Austro-Hungarian 'nef taking on the might of the Turkish Aeronavy is the kind of thing that stirring Boys' Own Tales are made of, and therefore it really appeals to me.
Avanti Italia! Some really nice looking 'Nefs there, I especially like the twin-hulled Dig at the rear.
ReplyDeleteDo you use ink washes?
ReplyDeleteLazarus Lupin
art and review
Hi, yes, I used Windsor and Newton Nut Brown ink to try to bring out some of the detail. I mix it with Future floor polish, or whatever it is called now, to help it flow into the gaps.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever Get "Aeronefs over the Aegean"? As the author I'd be interested to know if it lived up to your expectations!
ReplyDeleteGreat Nefs you have there!
Yours in a White Wine Sauce
We did get 'Aeronefs over the Aegean' and played it a month or so back. I still have to post some pictures of the game. Unfortunately the brave Italian raider (subbing for the Austro-Hungarian raider) was shot down on its second attempt to bomb the town in the second scenario. The game was good but we felt a bit more guidance on table size for the scenarios would have been in order. Also, it was unclear to us whether the raider had to score hits on six separate sectors of the town with his bombs, or whether it was possible to score multiple hits on one sector and have those count. We plan to try it all again but using inches instead of cm for movement, as is suggested at the start of the scenario book. That will make a significant difference in the survivability of the raider in the second scenario, because it will be on the table for a lot less time.
ReplyDeleteDespite these minor issues, we really enjoyed the game and are looking forward to trying it again. I'll try to get something written up soon.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll endeavor to ensure there are no repeats in other supplements currently in hand. By the way, table size was not specified to make it as flexible as possible, but a 6x4 foot table would be the norm.
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad that you enjoyed playing it!