Pulling yourselves together you quickly respond to the rats' attack. Elias draws his sword and skewers a rat. Miroslav grabs a burning brand from the fire and his axe and starts moving towards the rat pack. As he closes, he throws the burning brand but the wood falls wide of the mark, narrowly missing Elias' pack. Lacrimos draws his sword and grabs his shield before moving towards the rats. Meanwhile, the rats have swarmed all over Elias, although his armour protects him from any serious harm, but he is knocked to the floor. Elias struggles back to regain his feet but fails as the other two sprint to save him and the rats seek an opening in Elias' armour, eventually finding one (4hp damage). Elias' body ceases to struggle and goes limp under the rat horde! Both Miroslav and Lacrimos strike at the horde of rats, killing more of them. The rats turn their attention to Lacrimos and attack him instead but his armour is proof against their onslaught and he manages to stay on his feet despite the rat's swarming onto him. Lacrimos strikes at a rat crushes its skull underfoot, while Miroslav, careful to avoid hurting his ally is unable to strike a telling blow. He tries again and this time hits. The rats squirm in their fury and find gaps in Lacrimos' armour (5 damage) but Lacrimos returns the favour and another rat dies. The other rats quickly run away out of the door and into the storm. The room is still once more.

Elias is alive but in need of urgent care or his lifeblood will leak onto the dusty floor of this ancient tor. Otherwise, once you have treated your wounds, you are free to search the area or to just bed down for the night.
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