The Freikorps are surrounded and out of supply. They may not spend more than 2 resource points this turn.
(Click the pic for a larger image)

With Estonian Forces closing from all sides, things look grim for the Freikorps. General von Nicholson manages to communicate his orders to his troops by carrier pigeon, thus also providing them with a small amount of meat to supplement their rations. The Freikorps immediately set to and part of their force advances from The Bluff to The Woodsman's Shack (Disengage order). What fiendishly cunning Teutonic plan is afoot?
We await the Estonian counter to this move.

Following the Freikorps sending a detachment from The Bluff to The Woodsman's Shack, the Estonians have advanced in strength to Nurgeyev Quarry. They are clearly massing for a major assault on the invaders. How will the Freikorps respond?

And so Turn 4 comes to an end.
Estonian Force F marches slowly northwards, while Force D tries to assault The Woodsman's Shack but breaks down on the way and thus remains where it was. The Estonians will get a chance to fix the tank next turn.

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