Saturday, 15 February 2025

13 Fyrmont to 23 Fyrmont 1000 AC - A Life on the Ocean Waves

13 Fyrmont

I have decided to keep a diary of the voyage to help me pass the time. The sailors do not need my help and the captain tells me that the owner's job is to look impressive. I fear I do not at the moment. The day has passed with what the sailors call a calm sea and fair weather. I feel so sick. Please kill me.

The Voyage of the Stout Meg

14 Fyrmont

Another fair day. I feel slightly better, I think. One of the sailors took pity on me and showed me a trick with bacon and a piece of string that really seems to work. Pulling the bacon back out of my stomach was disgusting though. I was distracted from feeling sick when a stirge flew out of some of the cargo. It was diving for one of the sailors when I leapt at it and cut it in two. The sailors were all grateful for my intervention. I shall have to have words with the cargo master and find out how it got in there. I wonder if anyone from the Veiled Society survived to try to disrupt my plans.

15 Fyrmont

Fair sailing. I can feel the air getting warmer as we sail south. I still feel a bit queasy but was not sick today.

16 Fyrmont

I feel better now and chose to wander the deck. The captain yelled at me to get out of the way.

17 Fyrmont

More fair sailing. I saw a sea snake today. It was not much bigger than me. The captain tells me they pose no threat to the ship or its crew, unless the crew fall in the water.

18 Fyrmont

Sailing is boring. There is nothing much to do when you own the ship, so I just tried to stand there looking impressive.

19 Fyrmont

Are we nearly there yet? The weather is lovely, but there is so little for me to do. The captain tells me that if all goes well, we should arrive at the Thaniegoth peninsula in four days.

20 Fyrmont

Three days to go. Fair sailing and nothing for me to do. Boring.

21 Fyrmont

Two days to go. We are nearly there. I cannot wait. Thank goodness I found the map so there is little chance of us losing our way.

22 Fyrmont

One day to go!

23 Fyrmont

About midday the crow's nest shouted, "Land ho!". We have reached the Thanegioth Archipelago. We must navigate the reefs in daylight and will land tomorrow morning. Who knew sailing was so boring?

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