The route from Verge to Threshold:

The journey is uneventful and the group arrives at the gates of Threshold in the early evening. The palisade around the town stands ten feet high and is of rough-hewn logs, as is the gate. Wooden towers dot the wall at regular intervals and surmount the gate. You can see guards stationed in the towers. There are also guards on the gate. The gate guards are polite but insist on the group giving up all weapons bar swords, staves and daggers. Lacrimos and Miroslav must hand over their axes while Elias' crossbow is also taken. Each of them gets a receipt for the weapons and will be given their weapons back upon return of the receipt to the gate guards when leaving town. The guards are in talkative mood, presumably because it has been pleasant weather and a quiet day for them. They talk about the town and fill in some of the main details about the place (Click here for background to Threshold)
Once inside the town walls, it is time to find an inn. The guards have suggested that the group try Janacek's Inn, which is a mid-range inn in the Old Town with not too many bed bugs. At 6 crona per night for a double room, it should at least be affordable. The rooms are private, unlike cheaper inns, where accommodation is often just one large dormitory with space for a bedroll on the floor. The inn also has stabling for Pushka which will cost 15 kopecs per day. Since you intend to stay for a week, it is possible to book a weekly rate, which is slightly cheaper than the daily rate (35 crona per week for a double room. 9 crona per week for stabling).
The group heads for Janacek's Inn and books two double rooms for a week, initially. By sharing, the group is able to split costs and save money so this appears to make sense until Breccia begins to complain that sharing a room with Lacrimos is causing him to lose too much sleep. Apparently Lacrimos snores loudly enough to shake the walls of the room! The inn is clearly popular with local adventurers and mercenaries, as well as the less well-off merchants. There are not huge numbers of these, but the few that are there in their battered leathers with notched swords by their sides seem to have seen a fair bit of action. Despite this, the inn is a quiet place. Troublemakers are encouraged to take their trouble outside by the bouncers Jan and Hus, twin brothers with broken noses and bulging muscles. The proprietor, Janacek himself, is a talkative fellow, who likes nothing more than to discuss what his clients have been up to, while the food is wholesome pottage with bread and is more than adequate for the money.
In one corner of the inn is a notice board with adverts for jobs on it. Many of these are for caravan guards and some are more dangerous jobs that the very skilled or desperate might apply for.
The group rests up for the first two days, slobbing out in the common room of the inn or sleeping in their own rooms. By the end of the first day, Elias is back on his feet at last and everyone is feeling a lot better. By the end of the second day, the group is all fully recovered, with only scratches showing where they had been bitten, stabbed and slashed before. The whole group is now ready to explore the town or do whatever they need to do.
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