Sunday, 28 January 2024

Turn 29: The Thrappled Lemmings and Helga's Letter (Five Leagues from the Borderlands)

 With Sir Thiebault wounded still, the Lemmings decided to deliver Helga's letter to her brother Thorvald in Utstein Marknad. A little travelling would do their credit balance with the local taverns some good and then they could decide where to try to make their fortune next.

Annoyingly, Sir Thiebault's wounds seemed infected too, so they were taking longer to heal than usual, and the Lemmings had to resort to giving him the last of their tonic. This also meant he needed more and better food and the Lemmings spent 3 Marks on their upkeep. Lysanthir and Fulrad spent their time training while waiting for the others to get sorted out (+1 XP each).

Packed and ready, they set out. As they marched, the Lemmings spotted the smoke of possible camp fires in the distance. They noted this as an unexplored location on their map and continued their journey to Utstein Marknad.

The rest of the journey was uneventful and they had soon delivered the letter (+1 Mark, +1 Adventure Point) and were settling in for yet another liquid dinner. While eating and drinking they planned their next move.

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