Saturday, 20 August 2022

Sicario 4: Showboat (A Warfighter campaign)

Campaign situation at the start

Victory points: 13

Mission points: 5

Mission adjustment: add 6 to the objective's hostile value / add 1 to the cost of all future skill card purchases

I spend all 5 mission points to give Torres Shooter skill (better chance to hurt the hostiles).


This is an escape mission. The team must get from the objective card to the mission card. Luckily, I drew a location card as part of my initial action card draw. That will help.

Torres is unhappy. The mission had gone well but now the bad guys are on her tail again. It looks like it is going to be a difficult run back to base. Worse yet, it looks like they will have to take a detour. Still, she has a good line to base and they are promising support.

She orders the team forward into the clearing ahead. Ambush! The team open up and score kills. Guards pop up ahead of them and a horde of hostiles behind. Torres calls down mortar fire on some and a sniper kills others. Diaz and Rodriguez lay down fire and suppress the enemy. They have this under control.

But then the path they were following turns out to be a dead end. They have to backtrack around a ravine. Guards occupy the area and the team suppress them, but they are dug in too well and it proves impossible to eliminate them.

The mission deadline passes and the team is still in the field. Tired but unhurt, they work their way around the guards and crawl back to the base under cover of dark, but they are too late and have failed.

Final Result

Victory Points: +0 = 13 Tactical Victory

Well, that's it for the campaign. A failed mission means the end of the campaign. I scored a tactical victory overall.

This game was a bit frustrating. I spent most of Torres' actions on drawing cards and only drew 2 location cards, one of those only after spending a whole turn in the clearing without being able to move. That is a below average draw. I could not risk ignoring the first location and felt I had to play it, given my track record of not drawing location cards. This gave me one extra location to move through and was the killer for the mission objective alongside an event card that moved the mission time on one turn. One or other of those I could have coped with. Both together left me one turn short.

Despite the frustrating location draws, this was another good game though. I got loads of sniper cards, mortar cards and similar fun toys to drop on the hostiles. Outfitting Torres with a radio meant they were easier to use and they certainly helped in dealing with the bad guys. For a future campaign, I may need to give her more equipment that permits card draws, because I cannot believe the lack of locations I regularly seem to get.

So, two thumbs up for Warfighter. I shall play another campaign with Torres and Diaz another time.

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