Local Events
Lysanthir: "So, let's get our story straight. We want this fight to be heroic when the skalds sing our song."
The rest of the group chunter and mutter about preferring beer to songs, but Lysanthir will here nothing of it. He is going to be a hero, whether the rest of the Lemmings want him to or not.
Musing on their tale nets the Lemmings 1 Story Point.
Hard Times
The Thrappled Lemmings eat up 1 Mark's worth of supplies round the camp fire. They did not feel like eating more because Lysanthir kept muttering about skalds and eternal glory, and the only way to shut him up was for them to go to sleep. The food and a good night's sleep are enough for Lysanthir's wounds to heal and he is back in action very quickly.
Campaign Activities
Sir Thiebault heads out on a hunting expedition. It was an easy way to get away from Lysanthir and get some peace and quiet for a while. His hunt is successful and he returns with 2 Rations.
Wido takes the opportunity to train and gains 1 XP, going up a level in the process.
As the party is in camp, they cannot trade.
Lysanthir spends his time in camp recovering from his injury and reading his books to see if he can identify the location of the temple full of gold and treasure that has drawn him here. His research is successful (6 Adventure Points spent) and he identifies the location of the Orcs' hideout. It lies far to the north in the mountains (Hex 2100).
Despite the allure of Jarl Boggvir's quest, the Thrappled Lemmings choose to remain in the area and explore the Mayor's Hat Delve. They outfit themselves and head down the stairs into the crypts under the keep.
As they descend into the dark, they light torches and prepare for whatever might face them. Hopefully, it would be gold and treasure and jewels, but they know in their hearts that there will be denizens. As there are two stairs down into the crypts, the party splits up. Lysanthir leads Drogo and Fulrad down one stair while Sir Thiebault leads Wido and Onesipe down the other.
Mayor's Hat Dungeon, Level 2 (Dungeon tiles by Heroic Maps. Printed onto label paper and stuck to matte board for rigidity. I'll get around to edgeing them all one day ... honest) |
Onesipe scouts ahead. He pauses and listens. It is quiet. These catacombs have lain still and quiet for a long time, and his quiet tread is all that disturbs the silence. He pauses as the others follow a short distance behind him. Listening hard, he hears scratching, scuttling noises.
Onesipe scouts ahead |
"Rodents," he says quietly back to those following him, "large ones by the sound of it. They could be of unusual size."
Sir Thiebault hisses back, "Don't be stupid. They don't exist."
Onesipe indicates the spoor of larger than average rat and raises his eyebrows sceptically at Sir Thiebault, who fumes at this physical evidence of a possible Unusually Sized Rodent.
"Still," continues Onesipe, "At least it looks like the place is undisturbed. That should mean more treasure..."
Rodents, sir, fahsands of 'em! |
He licks his lips in anticipation of finding large quantities of beer tokens that others have not yet plundered. Then his brow furrows as he thinks through the various reasons why others might not have sought these riches. The skeletons they had fought upstairs suggest necromantic issues in these crypts. Ah well, he would snipe from behind the others with his crossbow if they encountered trouble. That would also give him a better chance of running away while the others were distracting whatever overly large rodents might be found down here.
As the party explores further into the crypts, Drogo is the first to find something. Stashed away in a sarcophagus is a richly begemmed set of jewellery worth 7 Marks.
"Some say they do not exist." |
Onesipe, on the other hand, is the first to spot rats the size of small ponies. The rats make for him and he takes cover behind a sarcophagus, taking aim with his crossbow. His first bolt wounds the larger of the two, a Prince Rat (Sergeant in Five Leagues). Sir Thiebault and Wido working together still get beaten back by the two rats, but Onesipe's second bolt kills the Prince Rat and the two warriors are then able to finish off its companion.
Onesipe looks quizzically at Sir Thiebault, "Don't exist, eh?"
He then plants a crossbow bolt in the forehead of the other rat and it drops dead too.
Drogo's overenthusiastic exploration results in him have an unfortunate encounter with three ROUSs |
On the other side of the crypt, Drogo is busily taking extreme measures to avoid getting eaten (uses 1 Story Point to avoid getting put out of the fight), until Lysanthir steps in and slays two rats in succession as he plants his staff firmly on their heads, spilling their brains out. This inspires Drogo to kill the last rat in that group.
Drogo then races forward to check the next crypt for treasure, but is ambushed by another rat, which Fulrad dispatches quickly with an arrow.
Meanwhile, Sir Thiebault was loading himself down with tapestries worth 4 Marks, and Lysanthir gets ambushed by a rat while looking for treasure. Drogo slays the rat without even breaking a sweat, after Lysanthir spends his time parrying every attack the rat throws at him (5 successful parries in row! That's how bad my dice rolling is!!) until Drogo can join the fray.
Last of the rats |
As the party advances further into the crypt, the chittering gets less, until suddenly there is neither scuttling nor chittering going on, and the only squeak is one of relief from Onesipe who had used up all his crossbow bolts early in the exploration.
The Lemmings use this opportunity to finish searching the crypt where they find a fine quality longbow and several jars of spices (3 Marks). They find stairs leading further down to what is obviously going to be another source of treasure. Their eyes light up.
Drogo goes up a level and gains a point of Will. Fulrad has a flash of insight and is now a level 1 hero.
News Travels
As they settle in to their camp, the Thrappled Lemmings are approached by a dishevelled looking man. He tells them a tale of a woman in Fikaby who needs protection to get from there to Utstein Marknad. It turns out that she is the Thrappled Lemmings' friend, Sigrid the Beggar. The job is worth 2 Marks (and 1 Story Point because she is a Friend). The party agrees that they should do this, because she is their friend, and they need to head for a settlement anyway to sell their loot before they brave the next level of this crypt.