The Synod of Reason is a cult that roams Utavoll seeking to enforce pure reason on the inhabitants there. Cultists are recognisable by the prominently carried Little Blue Book of Reason that each carries. Upon joining the Synod, each member goes into seclusion to make a copy of the Blue Book of Reason. Because of this, these books are as different in appearance as the cultists are. The only point of congruence is that many cultists are driven mad by the process of copying the text. Given the nature of the world, it is often argued that this is the only logical and rational response to the world generally and to the chthonic horror of a life of pure reason that the book conveys specifically.
Although often viewed from the outside as a monolithic entity, the truth is that the Synod is a hotbed of schism and argument as the militant, rationalist philosophers of the Synod's upper echelons spend days arguing over the minutiae of the Blue Book of Reason as revealed to the cult's founder Immanent Kannulae. This has resulted in running battles between different sects within the Synod. The two main power groups within the Synod's schismatrix are those who believe in the Cold Blue Light of Reason and those who believe in the Clear Blue Light of Reason. There is no reconciling their positions and those who have tried have been branded heretics and executed, as is only reasonable and logical when dealing with people who cannot think properly. Despite their clear doctrinal differences in interpreting the Blue Light of Reason as either Cold or Clear, to the average outsider, there is no obvious difference.
In Utavoll, the Synod represents a threat to order as schismatics, heretics, and other odious types attempt to enforce their own brand of enlightenment and rationalist philosophy on the populace. Wandering bands of cultists can be found all over, and, worryingly, seem to be channeling nameless horrors from other dimensions or even summoning them directly.
Unarmoured Cultists |
The Sinners from RPE's Demonworld range are the poorest and most addled of cultists. They represent any unarmoured cultist foes. They are poor and broken specimens whose brains have been twisted by the Little Blue Book of Reason. They are little more than sword fodder and go by many names: The Taken, Broken Fanatics, The Outcast, Whisperers and more.
Armoured Cultists |
The Demonworld Death Guard figures are the better class of cultist. They represent any cultists with armour. Their brains may be addled like their poorer brethren, but they have retained enough of themselves to survive in the world and to take care of themselves properly. Some can even pass for normal(-ish) when mixing in society more generally, although they will always wear something blue, even when not in their robes.
2 Slingers, a Crossbowman and an Archer (Two Dragons) |
Cultists with Hand Crossbows (RPE) |
These guys provide missile support for the cultists and may well appear in other army lists to save me a lot of extra painting. The guys with hand crossbows will be cultists with throwing knives and will appear as assassins or master thieves in other lists.
Skeleton Warriors (RPE) |
Zombies (Alternative Armies HOT range and RPE)
Undead Heroes and Leaders (RPE) |
There are two types of undead in my collection: zombies and skeletons. I plan to use them fairly interchangeably as the different types of undead in the Whispers army list and in other places where I need humanoid undead. The key element in choosing will be my whim and the speed they are meant to move at. The hero/leader figures will also feature as Death Knights.
Mutated Cultists or Werewolves (RPE) |
Some cultists are so strongly affected by copying the Little Blue Book that it channels nameless horrors into their bodies and mutates them. The Corrupt, as they are known, are terrifying opponents but almost mindless in their ferocity. They have little relationship to anything we would call reality and know only the hunger of the chthonic horrors that whisper directly into their minds from beyond the veil. These guys will also appear as werewolves in the campaign.
The Daughters of Xeribulos (RPE) |
The Daughters of Xeribulos are minor demons from a nameless, inexpressible dimension known only to demonologists by its reference code: Di 5c0. Despite their almost human appearance, the Daughters will shake your body down to the ground if you are not careful and will burn you up in a Di 5c0 inferno before you know it. Staying alive when they are around is hard and for many adventurers, an encounter with the Daughters is their last dance. The Daughter's live for this. It's how they get their freak on and that's the way they like it. I am using these figures as Fog Born, and other demonic types, such as the Crystal Wards in the Lurking Foes list.
Cultist Heroes and Leaders (RPE) |
In any circumstance where I need distinct leader figures, these guys will appear. They can also appear as specific monster types from other lists where a warrior type figure is needed and they fit the story.
Magic Using Foes (RPE) |
These are not specifically cultists, but they look the part for summoners of nameless horrors from beyond the veils of reality, so they will do duty both as generic wizardly foes and as cultist magic-users. I'm already planning how I can use them in Frostgrave and which schools each most suits.
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